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The Future of Books
"Hypermedia - the biggest narratological bang since the invention of writing"Lance Olsen
An inspiration how to reinvent booksWe live in times of incredible change and upheaval. Our future could look something like this:
What ideas will prevail?
Hatsune Miku is a real fake, a voice software built to a life-size, three-dimensional cartoon character from bits and bytes. A projection screen, which gives - it is really incredible - Live concerts. Let's now see who Miku's creators are and how her world was formed. Japan's Virtual PopStar Hatsune Miku Rocks Los Angeles! __________________________________________________________________________________ Or this unprecedentedly ambitious Living-Earth-Simulator? The most audacious project of the future: An "World Explanation Machine" An old dream of mankind could come true: To see with an oracle in the future... We are facing a new "scientific revolution" , say hundreds of the best European scientists. They build a supercomputer-based system that allows simulating the world: The Living -Earth-Simulator.
This world simulator calculates what will move us in future: conflicts, finance crashes, impacts of climate change, natural disasters, trends in films and books on the Internet. "We want create a stable world to combat crises, reduce losses, detect new opportunities and make a gain from it", hopes the scientific director of the unprecedented project, Professor Dirk Helbing. If this kind of project is possible, what skills we need in the future and how our ability to think and act must change? __________________________________________________________________________________ And how new technologies change our perception and our view of reality? A glimpse of the future with Google's futuristic internet-connected glasses"GOOGLE- Glass" is a small computer that you put on the nose. The technology behind it is "Augmental Reality". "AR" applications change our view of reality, because it makes a difference whether one retrieves information from the smart phone or if they are constantly in the field of view. The GOOGLE-Glasses creates a new sense of reality. The outside world will no longer perceived in isolation but linked the reality with Internet information.
__________________________________________________________________________________ Or how about this rather crazy Quantum world?
If that's all possible... ____________________________________________________________________________ What will become of our beloved book?How to adapt book pages "carved in stone" to our digital habits? How to make books fit, for take off into the digital age? The great future of the book lies in the wedding with the Internet!The Internet will not destroy books, just improve through augmented reality. The enhancement of a book to music, videos, animations, maps, virtual tours, artwork, encyclopedia articles etc. toward a different kind of narrative creates a new perception and an inexhaustible added value to the content and fascination. Take Paulo Coelho 's advice for publishers and writers: " Do not be afraid. "
Here are some different solution approaches to modernize "static" ebooks with extra features - mostly software based ________________________________________________________________ Evolution of books
Interactive textbooks for iPad________________________________________________________________
3D Augmented Reality Books ________________________________________________________________
iPad books ________________________________________________________________
The faces of tomorrow's book ________________________________________________________________
QR code book, Around the World in 80 Days ________________________________________________________________
Alice for iPad ________________________________________________________________
Grimm's Rapunzel ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book - read, play, learn ________________________________________________________________ In contrast to these wonderful and breathtaking software developments, there is the possibility to use the PapillonMethod- a free online solution, to design books more flexible with exciting, emotional effects and to give the text more refreshing originality as well as background knowledge. Papillon-method is the art to reach the most with the fewest resources.
"Book of Books" Vladimir Kush New multi book format - based on the Papillon method "immortal" because adaptable, makes reading and learning attractive for the 21st Century, story-based, web-based, independent. Through the application of the "Papillon" (Butterfly)- method, digital static ebooks and texts are transformed into unique dynamic worlds of experiences. The enhancement of a book to music, videos, animations, maps, virtual tours, artwork, encyclopedia articles etc. toward a different kind of narrative creates a new perception and an inexhaustible added value to the content and fascination. Interactive keywords provide in-depth and interdisciplinary insight in a prescribed or self-selected topic (hypertopic). Once you discover the whole picture, your understanding grows. Have you make firstonce acquaintance with the new interactive book, the step will not be far away, your self-created content to interweave with any existing or new e-book. ________________________________________________________________
"Interlinked Worlds: Dream or Nightmare?" in German Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck mathematician, philosopher, IBM-Germany, Chief Technologist ________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________ Can the Computers at Narrative Science Replace Paid Writers? Now computers have proven competence-no, fluency-in yet another aspect of human life:writing. Narrative Science, a Chicago-based startup, has developed an innovative platform that writes reported articles in eerily humanlike cadence. Their early work focused on niche markets, clients with repetitive storylines and loads of numeric data-sports stories, say, or financial reports. But the underlying logic that drives the process-scan a data set, detect significance, and tell a story based on facts-is powerful and vastly applicable. Wherever there is data, Narrative Science founders say, their software can generate a prose analysis that's robust, reliable, and readable. Read more ________________________________________________________________ Related links: Are Apps The Future of Book Publishing?New multi book format - Internet Book