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_________________________________________________________________________________ "Pearl" Vladimir Kush
Be inspired "I believe in intuition and inspiration. Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. It is, strictly speaking, a real factor in scientific research." Albert Einstein ________________________________________________________________ Experience the book like never before Rich interactive content brings GOLD DUST to life: 33 chapters interwoven with 140 topics 783 spectacular cross-disciplinary links enable a deeper insight into a topic and are the key to a stunning world behind the story 171 best web videos through the use of YouTube as search engine ( the data are subject to constant change) and much more games, animations, photos, maps, virtual tours, artwork, encyclopedia articles That means more content, more context and more fun. All the wonderful treasures, that I brought from my pearl diving in the Internet, are hidden in the adventurous World of GOLD DUST. With every click you can open a door into a new world. If you are curious, then these pages are your gold mine, because..... A link can change everything, your attitude, your habits , your social skills. With a little luck you can find your hobby, friends, projects and life plans... The InspirationPearls give you many additional ideas and viewpoints, maybe even suggestions for homework , project work , discussion, brainstorming. Let your thoughts flow. Periodically, I'll keep you up to date, on how the project is flourish and will share with you my pearl treasures. ________________________________________________________________________________ 03.21.2016 Do you like biology? Are you curious about the hottest field in biotech - synthetic biology? To inspire a novel approach to biology, students are invited to participate in an international competition for synthetic biology - iGEM What is iGEM? Competitors must present the jury biological machines, machines who are living. Playing with a DNA kit is a new frontier adventure for engineers. With thousands of small DNA snippets you can build whatever you want. ________________________________________________________________________________ 01.02.2016 Happy New Year 2016 Give wings to your dreams! Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year 2016. 03.30.2015 Fantasy literature challenges the reader's world view According to Merja Polvinen of the Helsinki Collegiumfor Advanced Studies, fantasy has huge potential to challenge its readers."Fantasy literature works best in the kinds of texts that really make us question our every day assumptions about what is real and how the world works. At its most potent, fantasy can challenge generally accepted truths and entire world views."
________________________________________________________________________________ 03.23.2015 Finland schools: Subjects scrapped and replaced with "topics" as country reforms its education system Finland is about to embark on one of the most radical education reform programmes ever undertaken by a nation state - scrapping traditional "teaching by subject" in favour of "teaching by topic".
11.13.2014 Horizon Report Europe - 2014 Schools Edition
The NMC,
in collaboration with the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education and Culture (DG EAC), the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS), Inholland University, Qin AS, and Cellcove Ltd., released the NMC Horizon Report Europe - 2014 Schools Edition. This is the first edition of the NMC Horizon Report that explores technology uptake in primary and secondary schools among the 28 European Union Member States. The executive summary and report introduction are being translated into more than 20 languages. 10.27.2014 25 Years Fall of the Wall 2014 The 9th of November 1989 is a global symbol of freedom for the Peaceful Revolution. This year, many international institutions and organisations are remembering the events of change in Central and Eastern Europe and the fall of the Iron Curtain. All the memories, opinions and views, all the expectations, wishes and reflections concerning the significance of the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 2014 are being collected and published on the interactive web portal www.fallofthewall25.com .
Lichtgrenze 07.08.2014 Welcome to Deep Learning - "Google Brain" Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals: Artificial Intelligence. Researchers at Google have been working on a way to map the human brain. Using 10 million images pulled from YouTube videos and a connection of 16,000 processors, the team was able to teach the machines to recognize cats. Chinese Search Giant Baidu Hires Andrew Ng Behind the "Google Brain". Chinese search giant Baidu has stolen away the head of Google's "deep learning" project, dubbed "Google Brain." Andrew Ng is an artificial intelligence expert, Stanford professor and founder of online learning company Coursera. _________________________________________________________________________________ 06.18.2014 Explore the World of Maleficent with the New Multi-Touch Book Fans of Maleficent and Sleeping Beauty will have access to rare content from the Disney Archives, cast and crew interviews, unseen concept art, storyboards, sketches, an interactive Sleeping Beauty timeline, and more.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 05.12.2014 How to Think Critically and Learn Anything
Critical thinking is defined as the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. PapillonMethod forms skills that facilitate the process of adjusting to the knowledge society. These include media literacy, networked, multi-functional thinking, combinatorial logic, communicative and cognitive skills, interdisciplinary work, independent learning and of course critical thinking. _________________________________________________________________________________ 05.02.2014 Internet at its best! YouTube-Hype: "Happy". All over the world people dance to the song "Because I'm happy" by Pharrell Williams. A modern Ode to Joy.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 04.10.2014 Balloon-powered Internet for everyone Many of us think of the Internet as a global community. But two-thirds of the world's population does not yet have Internet access. Project Loon is a network of balloons traveling on the edge of space, designed to connect people in rural and remote areas, help fill coverage gaps, and bring people back online after disasters. Loon for all
Search in chapter 10 : Topic "energy spheres" was enriched with the Loon Project. Each topic contains different links, to discover the topic through augmented reality. _________________________________________________________________________________ 02.01.2014 2014 Gates Annual Letter Let me share with you 2014 Gates Annual Letter titled "Three Myths that Block Progress for the Poor". Life is better than it has ever been for people around the world, but there's much work to do to make sure everyone can live a healthy and productive life. Unfortunately, widely held myths are standing in the way of progress that can save millions of lives and help countries prosper. Enjoy reading the letter and tell a friend. You can join the online conversation with the hashtag #StopTheMyth.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 01.23.2014 Pinterest, Yahoo, Dropbox and the (kind of) quiet content-as-data revolution The next wave in big data for web properties is the content users are producing. Whether it's via unsupervised deep learning or some other machine learning technique, content data, not just behavior data, is the new battleground for learning about users and improving products along the way. "As I explained recently in a post laying out the landscape of deep learning projects, there's a battle brewing among companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Yahoo to bring in the best researchers. The better they can teach machines to understand what's in the images users are uploading and the sentences they're typing, the more intuitive and sticky they can make their services." New York University deep learning expert Yann LeCun. _________________________________________________________________________________ 12.23.2013 Have a Wonderful Holiday Season and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
_________________________________________________________________________________ 10.22.2013 Make your images awesome! With Instagram Instagram boasts over 150 million application users. This mobile photography and social media app encourages others to follow and like photos that push the users to be recognized by the Instagram community. Successful Instagram users can become "Most Popular" and be featured on the main Instagram website. You can learn how to become Instagram famous by learning to tell a story with photos.
With ThingLink ThingLink technology changes how people engage with photos by transforming them from a static image, into a navigational surface for exploring rich, relevant content that enhances the viewer's knowledge and experience.
ThingLink interactive images help students develop 21st century skills and enrich their enthusiasm for learning. Teachers can use ThingLink images as interactive learning modules (ILMs) that activate and inspire students with creative and effective learning experiences. 21st Century-ize My Classroom _________________________________________________________________________________ 08.12.2013 Revolution for e-learning: Computer Expression Recognition Toolbox (CERT) Frustrated? Confused? Learning software could watch your face for signals and match content to your emotions. Researchers at the North Carolina State University are developing computer science learning software that analyzes students' facial expressions to deliver feedback that's most relevant to their emotional state. The emotion analysis may represent a promising change for e-learning. It makes individual online courses with high number of participants possible to promote each individual user according to his emotional needs. The goal: to create motivation and confidence to achieve high learning outcomes. Positive emotions are an important prerequisite for learning success. Cognition, Affect, and Learning _________________________________________________________________________________ 08.12.2013 15 Lesson Plans For Making Students Better Online Researchers Beginner Level, Intermediate Level, Advanced Level _________________________________________________________________________________
07.15.2013 A 16 year old Pakistani girl at United Nations calling on world leaders to provide education to every child Nine months after being shot and left for dead, Malala Yousafzai stood before the UN and delivered a moving speech . "Let us pick up our books and our pens, They are our most powerful weapons. One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world. Education is the only solution."
Malala Yousafzai is the most courageous girl in world, says Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister.
Search for FORTITUDO/ Courage in chapter 9.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 05.26.2013 How to understand structure in literature The House of Comprehension by Constance D. Casserly is a complete guide for English Language Arts teachers to help teach students how to understand structure in literature. Awesome Teach It Write Blog - the Lesson Plan home for Middle School and High School English Language Arts teachers. _________________________________________________________________________________ 05.02.2013 Video games - known for their entertainment value more than for their educational benefits At the Science Education Initiative event The State of Games in the Classroom , Scott Lachut , director of consulting at PSFK, presented the Future of Gaming Report as a resource and an inspiration for educators to begin considering games less as a mindless medium and more as an innovative, interactive tool to increase student achievement. The Future of Gaming Report , which emerged from PSFK's analysis of patterns in the development and use of games, identifies promising trends in gaming and analyzes gaming's expanding role in bettering the individual and society. At this event, Lachut focused on the education-related aspects of the report, discussing the growing impact of gaming on students inside and outside of the classroom. Games for Change: Catalyzing Social Impact Through Digital Games: Play Discover Physics: playludwig
_________________________________________________________________________________ 05.01.2013 Learn with Gooru Gooru is a free search engine for learning developed by a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to honor the human right to education. Start searching or learn more.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 03.27.2013 Simply a fantastic idea? "Only plants think with their roots"... chapter 3, topic roots What a surprise: Plants have a brain that is located in the root system below ground ("Root-Brain"), are intelligent and have a consciousness, say plant researchers Paco Calvo Garzón and Fred Keijzer in a new study. _________________________________________________________________________________ 03.18.2013 Take the World's Best Courses, Online, For Free "We are reinventing education for the 21st century by bridging the gap between real-world skills, relevant education, and employment. Our students will be fluent in new technology, modern mathematics, science, and critical thinking. They will marry skills with creativity and humanity to learn, think, and do. Udacians are curious and engaged world citizens."Udacity : Advance Your Education With Free College Courses Online Search for further high quality free online courses With a library of over 3000 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice . Social entrepreneurship company partnering with 33 top universities in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free Free courses designed specifically for interactive study via the web, provided by MIT, Harvard and Berkeley. edX will also research how students learn and how students learn and how technology can transform learning-both on-campus and worldwide _________________________________________________________________________________ 01.17.2013 Think about why you started "When you feel like quitting: think about why you started". This quote I found on Pinterest and it reminded me of my roots. I began my journey to write a fantastic tale. Now I return to fulfill my dream. In 2013, I puzzle together all ideas for Part II of the the fabulous World of GOLD DUST and like to share with you the latest knowledge adventures. My newest discovery on the journey into the land of fantasy is Tomasz Setowski. He is considered by many critics as one of the most interesting Polish contemporary artists and the creator of "magical realism." ________________________________________________________________________________ 12.19.2012 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
May all the sweet magic of Christmas conspire to gladden your hearts and fill every desire. _________________________________________________________________________________ 12.18.2012 YOU ARE YOUR WORDS This website puts your words, favorite song lyrics, vows, ect. into a picture. _________________________________________________________________________________ 11.01.2012 The wonderful and extraordinary "Green Children" Speed painting combined with the voice of an angel. Incredible!
_________________________________________________________________________________ 10.16.2012 World Wonders Project From the archaeological areas of Pompeii to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, Google's World Wonders Project aims to bring to life the wonders of the modern and ancient world. The World Wonders Project also presents a valuable resource for students and scholars who can now virtually discover some of the most famous sites on earth. The project offers an innovative way to teach history and geography to students all over the world. Together with partners including UNESCO, the World Monuments Fund and Cyark, the World Wonders Project is preserving the world heritage sites for future generations.
Search for Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and New 7 Wonders in chapter 5, topic " monumental work"_________________________________________________________________________________ 09.06.2012 Do you know kickstarter.com? Kickstarter is the world's largest funding platform for creative projects. Discover Projects - Passion, ideas, and ambition abound. Start exploring Historical Figures Typographic Poster Series by Devin________________________________________________________________________________08.28.2012 Campus Party 2012 - Universe of knowledge - Las Vegas for techies Campus Party is the biggest electronic entertainment event in the world. It's a weeklong, 24-hours-a-day technology festival for thousands of "campuseros" - hackers, developers, gamers and geeks. Equipped with computers and other toys, they camp on-site and immerse themselves in a truly unique environment. This year 10.000 campuseros met in Berlin. The former Tempelhof airport was the ideal place for Campus Party Europe.
The BBC at Campus Party Brazil 2011 I'm a "campusero". Are you a developer? A gamer? A typography enthusiast? An amateur astronomer? A geek? Yes? Then you're probably a campusero . _________________________________________________________________________________ 07.28.2012 Einstein Archives gets 21 million hits A whopping 21 million hits have been recorded by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on its new, digitized Albert Einstein Archives website. The site contains a catalog of more than 80,000 Einstein-related documents, and a visual display of 2,000 documents up. Source _________________________________________________________________________________ 07.03.2012 Mega Inspiration Pearl for whatever is your interest: Pinterest 1. Pinterest for Students Students want to share what they like. It could be their favorite movie, book, hollywood actor, recent artwork or poem, their favorite bright orange socks, or a good laugh. In the classroom, students can collect images for their next project. If it's on "Earth" students can "Pin" lots of images of Earth, and it's stages, in one place. 5 Ways Pinterest Enriches the Classroom Experience 2. Pinterest for teachers How Pinterest Can Be Used To Educate Students [Infographic]3. Pinterest for your interest in Art, Film, Music, Books, Design, Science & Nature, Technology and much more ... _________________________________________________________________________________ 06.07.2012 First sketches for GOLD DUST by Oliver Wetter Time is ripe to present Fantasio's first sketches.
For more fantastic illustrations enjoy the magnificent imagery of the GOLD DUST adventure _________________________________________________________________________________ 05.31.2012 What an inspiring speech - brilliant! A must watch for any artist and everyone who hopes to be creative and successful. Make Good Art.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 05.29.2012 NASA Explorer Schools project - Bringing NASA to Your Classroom Here I have found a spectacular Inspiration Pearl: NASA Explorer Schools invite teachers and their students to chat with a NASA expert each month throughout the school year, and have their questions answered during a live video chat. Be sure to tell your teacher to visit the NASA Explorer Schools Virtual Campus and bring the universe into your classroom. Search for topic "earth" in chapter 1. _________________________________________________________________________________ 05.10.2012 Finding Your Passion changes everything
'You've got to find what you love,' Steve Jobs said. Finding your purpose and do what you love - that's so important and precious to us as gold dust. If you haven't found your "GOLD DUST" yet, keep looking. Don't give up! In Chapter 10 you can deepen this topic. _________________________________________________________________________________ 04.23.2012 Fear, no hope, negative thoughts? The 3D animated game environment called SPARX combines a fantasy setting with skills for life and has been developed by a team of specialists from the University of Auckland.
If you want to follow the "Path of the 7 Deadly" in our story, go to chapter 20, 21, 22. Learn more about their tricks, why they are not harmless and why they are really deadly ... _________________________________________________________________________________ 04.18.2012 "Every day brings the chance for something great to happen!" Let you inspire by the extraordinary Green Children and become a Green Child! Committed to helping the poor of the world by supporting microcredit, education and healthcare.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 04.12.2012 Great Roman Games, Nimes, France Discover the biggest living history event in the south of France: the roman games in the antique arena of Nimes.
Gladiators: Heroes of the Roman Amphitheatre The ancient Romans are often seen as bringing civilisation to the western world, but they regarded the slaying of gladiators as a normal form of entertainment. Professor Kathleen Coleman describes what went on, and examines the society that accepted such barbarity without question. Search for amphitheatre in chapter 13 and learn more about gladiators
_______________________________________________________________________________ 04.02.2012 EarthHour Hundreds of millions of people, businesses and governments around the world unite each year to support the largest environmental event in history - Earth Hour. Find out more.
_________________________________________________________________________________ 03.30.2012 wikihow.com - This platform may surprise you with unusal articles like this: Be a good person in your own way and foster your good side (chapter 26) _______________________________________________________________________________ 03.26.2012 I'm curious ..... and everything interests me... Curiosità. Curiosità is an "insatiably curious approach to life and unrelenting quest for continuous learning". Great minds have one characteristic in common: they continuously ask questions throughout their lives. Leonardo's endless quest for truth and beauty clearly demonstrates this. Think like Leonardo Da Vinci
"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious." Albert Einstein You find the topic "I'm curious" in chapter 6 _________________________________________________________________________________ 03.14.2012 TED-Ed - Lessons Worth Sharing TED-Ed launches on You Tube
_________________________________________________________________________________ 02.13.2012 Are you're curious? Do you like to open doors into the unknown? Are you interested to see behind a facade? Do you want to fly through a time tunnel of past and future, imagination and reality, then the new section: "magic doors" is for you. _________________________________________________________________________________ 02.04.2012 Good news for fantasy fans This year is under a lucky star in terms of collaboration with the artist Oliver Wetter. I could win him to enrich the fantasy story GOLD DUST with its splendid and imaginative illustrations. I'am highly delighted. That's a great honor, thank you Oliver! Once the first sketches are done I'll show you. Here, an appetizer of Fantasio's imagination. Isn't Prince Aron .....?
_______________________________________________________________________________ 01.24.2012 The Internet is a treasure trove of free high quality educational content
' MITx ' will offer courses online and make online learning tools freely available. __________________________________________________________________________________ 01.18.2012 Announcement Project study "Interlinked Worlds - Innovative Learning and Teaching in the 21st Century" will soon be published.
The German original "Vernetzte Welten - Innovatives Lernen in der Wissensgesellschaft" is still unpublished. __________________________________________________________________________________ 01.18.2012 How to become an excellent student Have you ever wished you could have a clone of yourself to do homework while you hit the skate park or went out with your friends? Some tips how to become an excellent student and how to understand difficult issues such as cloning, chapter 14 ________________________________________________________________________________ 01.11.2012 I am what I am
I have found this wonderful song by Gloria Gaynor and added it to chapter 14. The meaningful text fits perfectly to the " The Three Days of Miracles"
_________________________________________________________________________________ 01.03.2012 You need a lot of passion for what you're doing
That is exactly my opinion. Therefore, we look forward to a new year full of exciting adventures. I will do my best to inspire you and with any luck you will find your passion and your talent. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12.27.2011 Are you a geography fan? Geography is everywhere.
Google Earth - Around the World in 60 Seconds OneWorldManyStories.com to experience the ways people have used Google Earth. As a geographical view of the earth I have proposed Google Earth in chapter 1, topic earth. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12.21.2011 Becoming Superman: Doing Good Makes You Strong
New scientific research from Harvard University: moral actions may increase people's capacity for willpower and physical endurance . Practicing small acts of kindness will make you a happier person, and the boost in mood stays with you for months, according to research out of York University. "The concept of compassion and kindness resonates with so many religious traditions, yet it has received little empirical evidence until recently," says lead author Myriam Mongrain, associate professor of psychology in York's Faculty of Health. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12.14.2011 YouTube for Schools: Join the Global Classroom
YouTube Creates Separate Site for Schools : SchoolTube ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12.09.2011 The story of CC It is your decision under which star your creation will be born.
___________________________________________________________________________________ 12.08.2011 Incredible "seadragons dance" I am particularly fascinated by Sir David Attenborough's nature videos. Be enchanted of the diversity of life on our planet
You meet David Attenborough again in Chapter 11, topic: Birds Here he observes the bowerbirds intriguing behaviour. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 12.01.2011 A quote from Matt Damon's speech at the Save Our Schools March in Washington, DC. "I had incredible teachers. As I look at my life today, the things I value most about myself - my imagination, my love of acting, my passion for writing, my love of learning, my curiosity - all come from how I was parented and taught.
Read the entire speech here ___________________________________________________________________________________ 11.30.2011 Have you ever heard from Caligo-land Your search for "caligo": If you are interested in a wide spectrum of the Latin vocabulary, Latin expressions, Latin sentences and Latin phrases, here I have found for you a Latin Dictionary. How the Caligo-land is still called and that the only way leads through the land of the clones... read here: The Gate of Illusion ___________________________________________________________________________________ 11.24.2011 Happy Thanksgiving Celebrate Thanksgiving
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving_______________________________________________________________________________11.23.2011 That makes a good mood Whenever I need more energy, I enjoy that absolut great Gold Dust video
Do you need some energy spheres? Here you can discover all about these gleaming soap bubbles and what they have to protect Chapter 10 Or do you want to try the "high speed steps" after your Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner tomorrow? :-) ___________________________________________________________________________________ 11.11.2011 My newest discovery is Piccolina Piccolina, the little water molecule, recounts the exciting story of the formation of our planet earth and the emergence of life. I will add the video and website to Chapter 15, topic: "each animal was food for another" for those of you who are interested in evolution of life.
___________________________________________________________________________________ 10.28.2011 Happy Diwali 2011 - celebrate the colorful festival of lights. The celebration of Deepavali as the "victory of good over evil" is a magnificent staging of the great themes of life and is also the story behind the magical GOLD DUST. Read more on Wikipedia
More festivals of lights you can find worldwide. Also in Berlin/Germany you can celebrate a festival of lights.
Do you like Mickey Mouse? Then is this light show for you. Are you curious about the topic of light? Discover in Chapter 28 the incredible contexts. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 10.18.2011 Use YouTube as search engine Whenever a topic interested me, then I am also looking on YouTube for valuable videos. YouTube now has surprised me with the brilliant platform YouTubeEDU Together with YouTubeTEACHERS has arisen a great teaching- and learning platform for the 21st Century. _________________________________________________________________________ 10.06.2011 We bow our heads in memory of a great visionary 'You've got to find what you love,' Steve Jobs says. 'If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.'
This legendary speech can be found in Chapter 3, subject: place in life. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 09.27.2011 How we will learn in the 21st Century YouTube Launches Site Specifically for Teachers Where I have found this great information? This is only one of dozens brillant gems of 21st Century Tools For Teaching-People and Learners: http://goo.gl/0XV5C . and 21st Century Learning and teaching: http://goo.gl/8ScWX curated by Gust Mees. He gave me valuable tips about 21st century tools, of which this project has benefited. So if you need a personal coach or course instructor Gust Mees is your man. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 09.22.2011
This is a QR code. A QR code is a 2-dimensional barcode, which has encoded in it a URL (web adress), text, or other information. It can be read by a QR code scanner, including QR scanner smartphone apps. Most QR codes you come across have a URL encoded, so chances are when you read the QR code it will take you to a webpage. How to use QR Codes to enhance learning opportunities
How to make books and other educational materials more interactive Adding a bit of color to your qr-codes ___________________________________________________________________________________ 09.13.2011 How to generate energy from footsteps and dance partys A vision of the science-fiction movie "Matrix" becomes reality. There provided the warmth of the human body energy for the machinery creature. Now researchers in many countries around the world make use of "the power plant" human and generate energy from footsteps and dance partys.
What a nice InspirationPearl. How to add : If you ask yourself how one can integrate this inspiration Pearl in the text here the simple answer: I define a new keyword in Chapter 32 (button: online book) and mark the selected words: "jumped about on the keys set in the ground" now I can add the matching videos and related Information. The full picture you can see in chapter 32 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 09.09.2011 Astronomers Discover 'Once In A Generation' Supernova Dr Mark Sullivan, the astrophysicist leading the Oxford team examining the supernova said: "This is accessible to anyone with a decent pair of binoculars. For many it could be a once in a lifetime chance to see a supernova blossom and then fade before their eyes. We may not see another like it for over 100 years."
___________________________________________________________________________________ 09.05.2011 Thank you Fantasio, for your inspiring work! Fantasio is one of those InspirationPearls, of whom I want to tell you. This great artist is like a bright star, a jewel in the universe of surreal art. He has the gift to visualize dreams. With his work "redtopia" he has given my dream of a "living book" a face. Through Fantasios eyes, the marriage between Internet and book is going to be a great idea. What a powerful talent! ___________________________________________________________________________________ |
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