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- Rhizomatic Knowledge World
The free linkage of many perspectives and many approaches "What we really need in the future is a way to connect seemingly disparate pieces of information into a new synthesis. In other words, to look at things afresh." Prof. Allan Snyder, director of the Centre for the Mind at the University of Sydney, Australia __________________________________________________________________________ The PapillonMethod focuses on the consistently nonlinear, multiple interlinking of knowledge as the essence of 21st Century and facilitates the development and enhancement of the information processing skills. The added value of the PapillonMethod consists in an interdisciplinary, interactive and story-based presentation of knowledge and makes "static" books and texts alive. PapillonMethod combines various so far strict separated knowledge areas and establishes missing contexts, to unfold a more complete picture of a topic. PapillonMethod connects topics passionate differently and fosters combinatorial creativity and an awareness for a more complex world. Example: Explore the topic "Mask" from different perspectives - one topic 6 viewing angles ......
The method creates a widely interlinked knowledge world - revolving around a topic, and illuminates it in all of its depth. The method produces through its various perspectives and viewpoints flexible content in contexts as well in various multiplicities.
The opportunities through "Papillon" generated flexible content are an enrichment of interactivity, curiosity, diversity of issues, spirit of discovery, open mind, creativity and imagination. A new dimension of reading and learning leads to a much more comprehensive, deeper and broader experience.
This kind of knowledge integration creates multiple interpretations of a subject and can form knowledge value chains. Because our actions have long-term and sometimes dramatic consequences, the PapillonMethod fosters a global perspective and a different way to think and act - a necessity for living in a complex, multidimensional, global society. It is easier to make decisions when you know the whole picture and not just a small part.
Architecture of the PapillonMethod:
The "PapillonMethod" is recommended by expert report from Berlin University of Technology, Germany, has been successfully tested in practice at the Berlin Ellen Key Secondary School and is used continuously since 2005.